Avatars and Adoptables

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Suggestions? Improvements? Anything you expected to see, but didn't find?
Be sure to tell me, I'm all open to them =n.n=
Terms Of Use
Well, I suppose these are the rules for using adoptables from the adoptable section, please read them thoroughly if you plan to adopt one of them. Adhering these terms of use is a requirement for using one of my adoptables.
  • You may adopt an adoptable, meaning you put it on your web-site, in your signature or as an avatar in your favourite web-forum, that's all okay for me. Linking to my website would be a nice gesture, but is not really required (highly appreciated nonetheless =n.n= )
  • Adoptables may only be used on "kid-safe" (that is, up to PG-13), non-commercial sites.
  • You have to upload the graphics to your own server. Direct linking is not allowed.
  • I retain the copyright, meaning you may not claim that you made the graphics. Please do not alter the adoptables (like re-colouring them, editing parts of them, using them in other graphics, or such). As a single exception to that rule, you may resize them to suit your needs.
  • Anything else, like redistribution (putting them into graphic collections, on CD or similar) is not allowed.
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