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Toby and the Shark
  • Views: 5,926
Toby and the Shark
(by Emily "Splash" Cribb, Mar 12, 2004)
...And thus, the fatefull meeting of everyone's favorite seal and the big, ferocious shark ended with Toby having a full belly for weeks to come.
Who wants fish?


is absolutely awesome. Personally, this kid not only taught me all I needed to know about DA when I first joined and posts some of the most detailed, helpful comments I've ever seen, Tobias bought me my beloved subscription and presented me with an adorable, fantastic and wonderfully-done picture of Splash and himself having a picnic. He's got more talent in his tail fin than I do in my entire body, too; go look at his gallery and check out that detail.
In summary, Toby > you.
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