*latches to Toby* I love it...n_n Very very cute, she looks..so happy and the flowers make a really cute touch.. Eeeh...I need to vent my love X3 *hugs*
oww thanks, I'm really glad you like it .. plus it was fun to draw too, weee *giggles and hugs* too bad we only can have 50x50 avatars ^.^
Whee... *hugs and pets* =3
*giggles and pets back* =n.n=
*pokes and tackles* Whee X3
meh, this never gets boring, right? *giggles and prods back yet again* =p
Nope... *giggles and tackles*
Aww, so cutesome! X3 I think the blue tips on the hair could've been blurred a little more, but apart from that, nice job! n_n Woohoo, reply button...I was wondering when you were gonna get them. ;P
*smiles* thanks, I know what you mean .. actually, I could have drawn fur on her too, but since I was planning to do a teeny-tiny deviantArt avatar, I tried to make the lines and borders as clear as possible, so you can still see them even after making it smaller. but, as said, you're right, thank you very much ^.^ the reply button was there all the time, but I thought it was confusing to people, so I didn't show it and just moved the posts to the right place after someone posted ^.^
Yes, I see what you mean...reducing it with alot of blurry bits and fur may have made it look a bit busy...but its very cute, nonetheless. n_n Is it fun making avatars? =3 I love making them! n_n I have lots of Kai ones I made from screenshots...X3 And animating them is foon too! =B It was? I think its better that there is a button so posts can be directly moved to be 'replied'. That way, it saves you some work, huh? =]
hehe, I know, you never seem to run out of Kai-avatars *giggles* even though I liked the old Kai better than the new one =3 It was, but only I could see it .. meh, now there are pencils below each post for everyone *giggles*
Are you kidding? The day I run out of Kai avatars, will...erm...be a very sad day indeed. X3 Hmm, I think the old Kai one was a little more suited to my personality (I am pretty much an independant person, and I'm always alone. <=]) So maybe I'll go back...unless I make one of George. n_n* Pencils! *giggles* Pencils are cute though...you cannot get rid of teh pencils! =3
yup, either that or make a George avatar that looks similar to that Kai one .. but yes, I thought too that it suited you better .. makes you look more thoughtful and stuff =3
Awww, that's so cute! The stars and border are preeetty *__*
thank you n.n the stars could be a bit more detailed, but hey, they serve their purpose =3